What Is the Technology Registry?

The Technology Registry is a list of technologies that I currently work with or worked in my past. It captures my adoption of these technologies. It is very similar to the existing technology radars like ThoughtWorks Radar or Zalando Radar, but there are a few differences (more about the differences in the question on the right).

What Is the Purpose of the Technology Registry?

This Technology Registry serves as an overview for me and also simply for anyone who is interested in it. Note that I am not an analyst, this registry reflects my current experience. What works for me may not work for you (and vice versa). I keep the data in a standalone JSON file, and generate this visualization automatically with my open-source tool.

How Often Is the Technology Registry Published?

I try to publish it every half year (Q1 & Q3). However, there is no guarantee :-)

What Are the Differences from the Existing Technology Radars?

The main difference is in the positioning of the technologies in so-called rings. In this registry, the rings represent how actively I use and know these technologies. It goes from the center where the least known are present to the sides where best known are (from smaller to bigger):

To create your own Technology Registry visualization, feel free to use this open-source code.